01 | Unexpected

Tara's Pov

Today is my elder sister's engagement. Everyone is busy and engrossed in the preparations. Whole haveli is shining and brightening like a star. I am watching everything through the window of my room. I am not allowed to step out of my room till the ceremony.

"Knock - knock"

I turned around and saw someone was unlocking the door. And here my childhood friend Roop came.

"What are you doing here, aren't you gonna attend your sister's wedding?", she asked me. And I shook my head.

"Why?",she asked again with an irritated look. "Baba has forbidden me", I replied.

"So you will not come?".


"For once only for me, I am feeling so lonely, please Tara", she requested.

"I can't Roop, baba will be angry", i replied sadly.

"It won't take long, we'll come back in a second, please Tara I want to show you something", she again pleaded.

"Does the groom's family have arrived?" I asked while ignoring her words. And she nodded in response.

"I can't Roop, they have strictly forbidden me to come in front of the groom and his family".

"No one will see, cover yourself in scarf", she said sternly while passing me a dupatta from my closet.

I sigh and agree with her. Covering myself I moved out of my room. I am walking very carefully, so that no one can identify me, especially Taisa. If she sees me, she will bring strom. Following Roop I understand that she is taking me to Chandni Di's room.

On entering inside, I saw my Sister, while Roop was waiting outside. She is looking very beautiful. I immediately ran and hugged her tightly. She is the only person in this house whom I admire wholeheartedly.

"I missed you Tara, why didn't you come", she said while sobbing.

Her words broke me. I hugged her more tightly. "Baba has forbidden me, I-I was scared di", I replied while sobbing too.

"Don't cry too, your makeup will ruin", I broke the hug and cupped my cheeks. "When my life is going to ruin , does this makeup matter?", she replied sorrowfully. She is not happy with this wedding, and the elders are forcing her.

"Don't say this, everything will be alright. Maybe he will change after the wedding", I tried to give some hope.

"Nothing can change a monster like him",she replied. Just then Roop came inside, she panicked. "Taisa is coming", she replied in a breadth. My face became pale, all colors flew away. If she sees me, she will definitely report to baba.

"Go from here Tara, to that window and Roop you stay with me ", di said while pointing towards a window. I ran hurriedly out of the room.

I was going towards my room. I am scared to get caught. Moving in an empty corridor, I suddenly bumped into someone. Blood stops flowing in my veins feeling a man's touch. He saved me from falling but his touch is bothering me. He held my waist and pulled me towards himself. My body becomes numb and I feel that my legs have gone paralyzed.

His other hand moved to uncover my face. I got scared. Holding a cigarette in his hand, he removed the scarf from my face. I shut my eyes tightly.

"Beautiful", he whispered in my ears. His hold tightened around my waist. Listening to his voice realization hit me, he is Chandani di's fiance, Virendra Thakur.

He puffed the cigarette and then blew the smoke on my face. Feeling suffocated I turn my face to my other side. He grabbed my jaw tightly, turned me and I looked into his eyes.

His eyes are bloody red, it looks like he is drunk. He brings his face near me, and I understand that he is trying to kiss me. I tried to move back. But he pulled me towards himself and forcefully put his lips on mine. My world stopped here. I am feeling disgusted. His hands roam all over my body and stop over my hips. He squeezed them tightly. I shut my eyes and feeling so much helpless tears flew down from my eyes

"Bhaiya". Just then a voice came, but this shameless creature didn't stop even after that. Being out of breath after some moment he stops his shameless act and looks towards the source of voice. His eyes are red, it feels like he didn't like that man's interruption.

"Everyone is waiting. Ceremony is about to start", that man spoke fearfully.

I didn't look at him, I am feeling so ashamed.

Virendra nodded and told him to move away with the gestures of his finger.He turned towards me. I sense a sinister smirk on his face.

I am in a devastated state, hairs are messed up, clothes are uneven, lips are bleeding and hurting, tears are continuously flowing from my eyes. Di was right, he is a monster and will never change.

He grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards the ceremony hall. I got scared and started resisting. If Baba saw me in this state with Chandni Di's fiance he would be mad. No - no! Please god don't let this happen. Taisa will kill me.

On entering the hall he threw me on the floor. Everyone looked towards us. My head hung low and my face was covered with the veil of my own hairs.

"This what you were hiding Balbeer, but see I got this precious gem", Virendra spoke angrily.

I sat on the floor, my face is still covered with my hair and tears are continuously flowing from my eyes.

Just then Chandani Di came to me, "Tara what happened? Why are you crying? Tell me. What is the reason for your condition", cupped my cheeks and spoke.

"D-Di.....He tried to, tri-ed to", before I said anything and she hugged me tightly. "Shh-shh, nothing has happened. Relax Tara", she tried to console me but right now nothing is working.

"I want Tara, replace Chandni with her", he said sternly.

Baba's blood boiled on his remark, "is this a game of dolls, that we replace this to that. Chandni's wedding is fixed to you and she will only marry you. Get that in your damp brain", baba roared angrily.

"Chandni and Tara go back to your room", he ordered us. Di helped me to stand up and we both left the hall.


"I am so sorry Tara, this is my fault. I shouldn't have called you. It's all my mistake", Di hugged me.

I told her everything, what he did to me. She apologized to me and regretted sending Roop to bring me. I know it's not her fault, she just wanted to meet me. It was my mistake that I didn't act carefully.

An hour has passed since we came back. No one came till now. I know it's just the silence before the storm. After some time a maid came and informed us that baba had called me. And here the storm arrived.

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A student with lots of dreams and trying to accomplish them.

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